
Craniofacial Distraction

By the mid-1980s, approximately 20 years after Tessier reported remarkable achievements in the reconstruction of the craniofacial skeleton with radically new surgical techniques, successful massive en bloc skeletal movements were routinely employed to improve craniofacial function and appearance. Moreover, CT imaging and rigid skeletal fxation systems had been developed, allowing even more complex craniofacial surgical reconstructions. Nevertheless, there remained unsolved problems. The surgical procedures were invasive, and the operations and hospitalizations were lengthy. There was often the need for bone graft harvest, and extensive blood replacement was necessary. Soft tissue problems were often not addressed, and many of the procedures represented what I call “bone carpentry.” The relapse rate for many procedures was relatively high because of the acute intraoperative advancement of skeletal segments against restrictive and defcient soft tissue. It had been my custom, as chief, to make plastic surgery rounds at Bellevue Hospital on Wednesday mornings. In 1986, at the completion of rounds, the residents suggested that I accompany them to the orthopedic surgery floor to see “something interesting.” On arrival, we visited a bedside where there was a male patient lying in bed with Ilizarov distraction devices on his lower extremities for lengthening purposes. Prior to this visit, I was unaware of the concept of distraction osteogenesis. Immediately, I recognized that this novel technique of augmenting bone should be considered for reconstruction of the craniofacial skeleton. It was my Eureka moment!

The Endocrine System

The endocrine system allows for the communication between the multiple cells and organs and is comprised of complex network of hormones, hormone receptors, carrier molecules, and signaling pathways. Characteristic of this system is that hormones generally act on cells that are physically separated from the secretory cell/gland, often traveling through the circulatory system to reach target tissues. Hormonal regulation is achieved by the ability of hormones to have specific biologic activity at their target tissues, important for energy production and metabolism, somatic growth and development, reproduction, and ability for the body to respond to internal and external stimuli. These complex interactions utilize controlled mechanisms of hormone synthesis and secretion and communication with other signaling molecules. Hormone deficiency or excess can each result from glandular or extraglandular processes and can be assessed clinically by laboratory testing that may include provocative testing if indicated.

Vascular Smooth Muscle Structure and Function in Health and Disease

This book covers core concepts in the structure and function of vascular smooth muscle cells in health and disease. Supplemental reading may be drawn from the extensive number of references listed at the end of each chapter. Vascular smooth muscle cell is the major cell type in blood vessels. Dysfunction of vascular smooth muscle cells is an important cause of vascular diseases — for example, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and circulatory shock. Vascular smooth muscle cells are phenotypically plastic, capable of switching between two major phenotypes — contractile/differentiated phenotype and invasive/ proliferative phenotype — in response to environmental clues. This book is organized in three sections. Section I (chapters 2 to 4) addresses the structure and function of the contractile/differentiated phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cell. Section II (chapters 5 and 6) addresses the developmental basis of vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype and structure and function of podosomes (invasive organelles) in the invasive/proliferative phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cell. Section III (chapters 7 to 9) addresses the role of vascular smooth muscle cell dysfunction in three vascular diseases — atherosclerosis, hypertension, and circulatory shock.

The Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Surgeons have cared for athletes and teams for millennia. In the mid-1950s, orthopedic surgeons in large measure became team physicians for collegiate and professional teams, primarily in American football. Orthopedic surgeons were aware of the opinions of emerging leaders in the feld and followed their dicta for resolving athlete’s injuries. The ultimate metric of success then, as now, was the athlete’s return to play at their pre-injury level. In the United States, organized sports medicine emerged in earnest in the 1970s. Interest in the feld became widespread to include experts in exercise physiology, nutrition, sports psychology, biomechanics, physical therapy, and athletic training. Courses in sports medicine were developed, societies were formed, journals were begun, and fellowships were started. A subspecialty was spawned. Research provided a progressive understanding of the role of the ACL, PCL, menisci, and secondary restraining structures in the normal knee. An appreciation was generated for the premature arthrosis consequences of knee functional instability and concomitant intra-articular damage. Prior to this, a knee injury, even with the early attempts at repair and reconstruction of the damaged tissues, was looked on as a career-ending injury. “The knee was never the same after that injury” was a common lament. “Operative measures generally employed for repair of the anterior crucial ligament are so formidable and extensive that one hesitates to undertake them unless disability is extreme”

The Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Handbook

The incidence of congenital heart disease (CHD) is approximately 7 to 10 per 1000 live births. Most congenital heart defects are the result of an interaction of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Environmental factors such as drugs, viral infection, maternal diabetes, or maternal alcohol abuse may account for specific lesions. Knowledge of cardiac development is a must to understand congenital heart lesions. This chapter reviews the embryology and cardiovascular physiology at birth.

Pediatric Cytopathology

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a reliable, minimally invasive, cost effective technique for obtaining samples from superficial and deep mass lesions for pathologic evaluation. Despite these advantages, physicians in the USA have been slow to embrace FNA as a primary diagnostic modality in the pediatric population . Obstacles to the acceptance and use of FNA include diagnostic challenges posed by the overall rarity and spectrum of tumors seen in children and adolescents, the experience and biases of clinicians and pathologists, and practical and technical considerations. Cytopathologists who are experienced in the performance and interpretation of FNAs may have limited familiarity with the spectrum and morphologic appearances of tumors seen in the pediatric population. Conversely, pediatric pathologists who are familiar with the histologic features and differential diagnosis of tumors encountered in children and adolescents often have little experience performing and/or interpreting FNAs. Likewise, clinicians who have extensive experience performing endoscopic or endobronchial ultrasound guided FNAs may have little experience with endoscopy or bronchoscopy of pediatric patients, and vice versa. These factors can impact the quality of the specimen and/or interpretation and lead to the need for a second procedure in order to arrive at a definitive diagnosis, thereby limiting the value of FNA as a diagnostic modality . Practical considerations include the cognitive and emotional maturity of the child or adolescent, and the need for immobilization, sedation, or anesthesia. Alone or in combination, these and other challenges and limitations have contributed to reluctance on the part of both pathologists and clinicians to promote the use of FNA as a primary diagnostic modality in the pediatric population.
مروری بر تکنیک های تصویرکاوی.[]

مروری بر تکنیک های تصویرکاوی و استخراج دانش از تصاویر

•پیشرفت های ایجاد شده در تکنولوژی تصویربرداری و ذخیره سازی تصاویر منجر به رشد بسیار زیاد در پایگاه های داده خیلی بزرگ از تصاویر و جزئیات مربوط به آنها شده است •حجم بسیار بالایی از تصاویر ، مانند تصاویر ماهواره ای، تصاویر پزشکی و عکس های دیجیتال بصورت روزانه تولید می شود، اگر این تصاویر تحلیل شوند اطلاعات بسیار مفیدی را در اختیار انسان قرار می دهند. •تصویر کاوی تکنیکی است که کار کاوش اطلاعات، وابستگی داده های تصاویر و الگوهای غیر مبهمذخیره شده در تصاویر را انجام می دهد (Zangjiet 2001) •هدف اصلی تصویر کاوی تولید همه الگوهای قابل توجه از تصاویر بدون دانستن اطلاعاتی از محتوای تصاویر می باشد. یعنی بدون اینکه یک دانش اولیه از محتوای تصاویر داشته باشد بصورت هوشمندانه از یک مجموعه تصاویر داده شده به عنوان ورودی، بتواند الگوهای مهم را استخراج کند. •تصویر کاوی چیزی فراتر از فقط توسعه داده کاوی در حوزه تصویر است. تصویر کاوی یک حوزه میان رشته ای است که بر روی تخصص های بینایی ماشین، پردازش تصویر، بازیابی تصویر، داده کاوی، یادگیری ماشین، پایگاه داده و هوش مصنوعی بنا شده است.
روشهای داده كاوی.[]

روش های داده كاوی برای كشف تقلب در حسابرسی صورت های مالی

بر عصــر حاضر، «عصــر اطلاعات» نام نهاده شــده و آنچه که منجــر به قدرت و موفقیت میشــود اطلاعات است. اکنون با کمک فناوری های پیچیدهای مانند کامپیوتر، ماهــواره و وســایلی برای ذخیره ســازی اطلاعات، میتوان شــروع به جمع آوری و ذخیره ســازی انواع داده ها کرد و از توانایی کامپیوترها برای کمک به مرتبسازی انبوه اطلاعات بهره برد. متاســفانه، این مجموعه عظیــم داده هــای ذخیره شــده بــر روی کامپیوترهای متفاوت به ســرعت دست و پاگیر شدند. این هرج و مرج منجر به ایجاد پایگاه داده های ساختار یافته و سیستم های مدیریت پایگاه داده 1شده است. سیستم های مدیریت پایگاه داده کارآمد، ســرمایه بسیار ارزشــمندی برای مدیریت حجم انبوهی از داده ها و به خصوص برای بازیابی اثربخش و کارآمد اطلاعات از مجموعه ای بزرگ در زمان مورد نیاز است. گسترش سیستم های مدیریــت پایــگاه داده نیز بــه جمع آوری انواع اطلاعات کمک کرده اســت. امروزه، اطلاعاتی به مراتب بیشــتر از نیاز در اختیار داریم: ما به اطلاعات معاملات کسب و کار و داده های علمی تــا تصاویر ماهوارهای و اطلاعات نظامی سترســي داریم. بنابراین دیگر بازیابــی اطلاعات بــه تنهایی برای تصمیم گیــری کافی نیســت. راهكارهای جدیدی برای کمک بــه تصمیمگیری های بهتر مدیریتی در مواجه با مجموعه عظیمی از داده ها ایجاد شــده است. این راهكارها شــامل خلاصه ســازی خــودکار داده ها، اســتخراج از «اصل» اطلاعات ذخیره شده و کشــف الگوهای موجــود در داده های خام است.

Status Epilepticus A Clinical Perspective

Although seizures have been described since ancient times, it is surprising how scant are the descriptions of what today is clearly identified as status epilepticus (SE). Perhaps the earliest reference to the condition of epilepsy and prolonged, ongoing seizure activity—SE—may be found in the Sakikku Cuneiform Tablet , which notes: If the possessing demon possesses him many times during the middle watch of the night, and at the time of his possession his hands and feet are cold, he is much darkened, keeps opening and shutting his mouth, is brown and yellow as to the eye. It may go on for some time, but he will die. (XXV–XXVI Tablet Obverse 629–539 BC) Caelius Aurelianus notes that “fits can recur … even in the same day,” and comments further on the mortality when “the attack extends into the second day.” Saul, while prophesying at Ramah, was to be diagnosed as having status epilepticus . During the Renaissance period, Thomas Willis in England noted (in Pathologiae cerebri et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis et de scrobuto, 1667, Pordage S, translator, 1681.) : [W]hen as fits are often repeated, and every time grow more cruel, the animal function is quickly debilitated; and from thence, but the taint, by degrees brought on the spirits, and the Nerves serving the Praecordia, the vital function is by little and little enervated, till at length, the whole body languishing, and the pulse loosened, and at length ceasing, at last the vital flame is extinguished.Although seizures have been described since ancient times, it is surprising how scant are the descriptions of what today is clearly identified as status epilepticus (SE). Perhaps the earliest reference to the condition of epilepsy and prolonged, ongoing seizure activity—SE—may be found in the Sakikku Cuneiform Tablet , which notes: If the possessing demon possesses him many times during the middle watch of the night, and at the time of his possession his hands and feet are cold, he is much darkened, keeps opening and shutting his mouth, is brown and yellow as to the eye. It may go on for some time, but he will die. (XXV–XXVI Tablet Obverse 629–539 BC) Caelius Aurelianus notes that “fits can recur … even in the same day,” and comments further on the mortality when “the attack extends into the second day.” Saul, while prophesying at Ramah, was to be diagnosed as having status epilepticus . During the Renaissance period, Thomas Willis in England noted (in Pathologiae cerebri et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis et de scrobuto, 1667, Pordage S, translator, 1681.) : [W]hen as fits are often repeated, and every time grow more cruel, the animal function is quickly debilitated; and from thence, but the taint, by degrees brought on the spirits, and the Nerves serving the Praecordia, the vital function is by little and little enervated, till at length, the whole body languishing, and the pulse loosened, and at length ceasing, at last the vital flame is extinguished.

Surgery of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects

Complex surgical procedures carry signifcant risks and potential for complications, whether performed alone (as single procedure) or in combination (as multiple surgical procedures). Despite the most conscientious preoperative preparations, surprising events may still occur. If the operation takes an unplanned turn, the surgeon has to make diffcult decisions. Some of the most important elements of any surgical procedure are the decisions that the surgeon makes before, during, and after the surgery itself. Notewithstanding its enormous signifcance and regardless of the implications that this decision-making process (DMP) has on surgical outcomes, the subject has received minimal attention in the literature . Subsequently, there are only a few studies that investigate how these decisions are made, although DMP is of great importance both for training and patient safety purposes. How do we surgeons make intraoperative decisions under what can be inauspicious conditions? Some describe these decisions as “intuition” or “gut-level” responses. However often we surgeons have diffculty in describing exactly how we came to specifc decisions during surgery. Clearly, there are many factors that affect decisionmaking of surgeons before and during operations. These factors are the physiologic state of the surgeon, the harmony of teamwork, external factors at work, and the surgeon’s ability to adapt quickly to a changing environment, to name only a few. Yet, the question remains, how to perform an evaluation of the surgical decision and gaining a better understanding of a seemingly gut- level process, which helps surgeons combat the external factors experienced before and during surgery?