Lying and team incentives[]

Lying and team incentives

We investigate the influence of two popular compensation schemes on subjects’ inclination to lie by adapting an experimental setup of Fischbacher and Heusi (2008). Lying turns out to be more pronounced under team incentives than under individual piece-rates, which highlights a fairly neglected feature of compensation schemes. Moreover, when disentangling different motives of the more pronounced unethical conduct under team incentives, we find that subjects tend to lie more under team incentives because they can diffuse their responsibility, i.e., their deceptive acts cannot unambiguously be attributed to them individually. Our findings are robust even when controlling for individual difference variables. In both compensation schemes subjects who are younger, male, high on Extraversion, and high on Neuroticism tend to lie more.
Internet-based CBT for social phobia and panic disorder in a specialised[]

Internet-based CBT for social phobia and panic disorder in a specialised anxiety clinic in routine care: Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial

Ample studies have demonstrated that internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for anxiety disorders is effective and acceptable in controlled settings. Studies assessing the clinical effectiveness of iCBT for anxiety disorders among routine care populations are, however, not as numerous. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of iCBT among anxiety patients, who were on a waiting list for intensive outpatient treatment, in a specialised routine care clinic.1 A randomised controlled pilot trial was conducted. Recruited patients were on a waiting list and had a primary diagnosis of either social phobia or panic disorder. Participants were randomised into either receiving iCBT with minimal therapist contact (received access to the programme FearFighter® (FF) and received support from a clinician via telephone) or no treatment (stayed on the waiting list). The primary outcome was selfreported symptomatic change of anxiety on Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The secondary outcomes were comorbid depression measured on Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and quality of life measured with the EuroQol one-item visual-analogue scale (EQ-vas). All results were analysed by intention-to-treat analyses using a mixed-effects approach. N = 158 patients were assessed for eligibility of which N = 67 met all eligibility inclusion criteria, signed informed consent forms, and were randomised. Post-treatment assessment was completed by N = 47 (70%)
Agricultural waste material as potential adsorbent for sequestering[]

Agricultural waste material as potential adsorbent for sequestering heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions – A review

Heavy metal remediation of aqueous streams is of special concern due to recalcitrant and persistency of heavy metals in environment. Conventional treatment technologies for the removal of these toxic heavy metals are not economical and further generate huge quantity of toxic chemical sludge. Biosorption is emerging as a potential alternative to the existing conventional technologies for the removal and/ or recovery of metal ions from aqueous solutions. The major advantages of biosorption over conventional treatment methods include: low cost, high efficiency, minimization of chemical or biological sludge, regeneration of biosorbents and possibility of metal recovery. Cellulosic agricultural waste materials are an abundant source for significant metal biosorption. The functional groups present in agricultural waste biomass viz. acetamido, alcoholic, carbonyl, phenolic, amido, amino, sulphydryl groups etc. have affinity for heavy metal ions to form metal complexes or chelates. The mechanism of biosorption process includes chemisorption, complexation, adsorption on surface, diffusion through pores and ion exchange etc. The purpose of this review article is to provide the scattered available information on various aspects of utilization of the agricultural waste materials for heavy metal removal. Agricultural waste material being highly efficient, low cost and renewable source of biomass can be exploited for heavy metal remediation. Further these biosorbents can be modified for better efficiency and multiple reuses to enhance their applicability at industrial scale
Edges in Agricultural Landscapes Species Interactions[]

Edges in Agricultural Landscapes: Species Interactions and Movement of Natural Enemies

Agricultural landscapes can be characterized as a mosaic of habitat patches interspersed with hostile matrix, or as a gradient of patches ranging from suitable to unsuitable for different species. Arthropods moving through these landscapes encounter a range of edges, with different permeability. Patches of native vegetation in these landscapes may support natural enemies of crop pests by providing alternate hosts for parasitic wasps and/or acting as a source for predatory insects. We test this by quantifying species interactions and measuring movement across different edge-types. A high diversity of parasitoid species used hosts in the native vegetation patches, however we recorded few instances of the same parasitoid species using hosts in both the native vegetation and the crop (canola). However, we did find overall greater densities of parasitoids moving from native vegetation into the crop. Of the parasitoid groups examined, parasitoids of aphids (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) frequently moved from native vegetation into canola. In contrast, parasitoids of caterpillars (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) moved commonly from cereal fields into canola. Late season samples showed both aphids and parasitoids moving frequently out of native vegetation, in contrast predators moved less commonly from native vegetation (across the whole season). The season-long net advantage or disadvantage of native vegetation for pest control services is therefore difficult to evaluate. It appears that the different edge-types alter movement patterns of natural enemies more so than herbivorous pest species, and this may impact pest control services
Greenhouse gas emission accounting for EU member states from[]

Agricultural sector and industrial agglomeration

In many developing countries, agriculture hires at least as many workers as manufacturing industries. We investigate an economic geography model in which agricultural goods are costly to transport and in which manufactures hire labor from the local agricultural sector as unskilled labor. Our conclusions show that the parameters in the agricultural sector are crucial to determine the spatial configuration of economic activity. We provide an analytic treatment to the model. The location equilibria are compared with the first and second best outcomes
Evolution and mechanisms of plant tolerance to flooding stress[]

Evolution and mechanisms of plant tolerance to flooding stress

In recognition of the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, this short article on flooding stress acknowledges not only Darwin’s great contribution to the concept of evolution but also to the study of plant physiology. In modern biology, Darwin-inspired reductionist physiology continues to shed light on mechanisms that confer competitive advantage in many varied and challenging environments, including those where flooding is prevalent. † Scope Mild flooding is experienced by most land plants but as its severity increases, fewer species are able to grow and survive. At the extreme, a highly exclusive aquatic lifestyle appears to have evolved numerous times over the past 120 million years. Although only 1–2% of angiosperms are aquatics, some of their adaptive characteristics are also seen in those adopting an amphibious lifestyle where flooding is less frequent. Lowland rice, the staple cereal for much of tropical Asia falls into this category. But, even amongst dry-land dwellers, or certain of their sub-populations, modest tolerance to occasional flooding is to be found, for example in wheat. The collection of papers summarized in this article describes advances to the understanding of mechanisms that explain flooding tolerance in aquatic, amphibious and dry-land plants. Work to develop more tolerant crops or manage flood-prone environments more effectively is also included. The experimental approaches range from molecular analyses, through biochemistry and metabolomics to whole-plant physiology, plant breeding and ecology
ارایه فلوچارت جهت مدیریت مناسب تر خرید( Procurement) در پروژه های پتروشیمی با حضور کارگزار LC[]

ارایه فلوچارت جهت مدیریت مناسب تر خرید( Procurement) در پروژه های پتروشیمی با حضور کارگزار LC

بخش خرید (Procurement ) در پروژه های EPC بزرگ مانند پروژه های پتروشیمی، از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار بوده و همواره از دغدغه های اصلی ذینفعان اصلی پروژه ها است. اما متاسفانه مدیریت خرید از حوزه هایی است که نسبت به حوزه های دیگر در مدیریت پروژه کمتر به آن پرداخته شده است علی رغم آنکه مدیریت تدارکات پروژه یکی از گام های نه گانه مدیریت پروژه بر اساس استاندارد PMBOK می باشد. از چهار دانش مدیریت منابع انسانی ،ارتباطات،ریسک ،تدارکات به عنوان سطوح دانش تسهیل کننده نام برده شده است؛ چرا که حکم وسیله های کمک کننده برایدستیابی به تحویل شدنی ها و اهداف را دارند . مدیریت خرید مهمترین گام مدیریت تدارکات است چرا که تقریبا تمامی منابع و ملزومات مورد نیاز برای اجرای پروژه بایستی از طریق خرید تامین گردد و بدیهی است مدیریت صحیح آن به فراهم نمودن هرچه بهتر و سریعتر این اقلام میانجامد . این مقاله بر اساس بررسی و مطالعه موردی انجام شده در یکی از پروژه های بزرگ پتروشیمی در ایران (پروژه پتروشیمی گچساران) فلوچارتی برای اجرای مدیریت خرید در مدیریت پروژه تهیه و ارایه نموده است و مدعی است که در مدیریت بخش خرید تاثیر قابل توجهی دارد.
پیشبینی فشار منفذی چاههای نفت با استفاده از نمودارهای چاه پیمایی[]

پیشبینی فشار منفذی چاههای نفت با استفاده از نمودارهای چاه پیمایی

فشار منفذی در اعماق سازندهای رسوبی هیدرواستاتیک نیست. در بعضی از نقاط فشار منفذی در حدود دو برابر فشار هیدرواستاتیک میباشد. اگرفشار غیرعادی پیش از حفاری بدقت بررسی نشود ممکن است باعث بروز حوادثی نظیر فوران وگسیختگی چاه گردد که نهایتا منجربه از دست رفتن چاه میشود. معمولا از روش های تجربی برای پیش بینی فشار منفذی غیرعادی (به کمک نمودار چاه) استفاده میشود. در این مطالعه برای پیش بینی فشار منفذی سازندهای زیرزمینی از نمودار مقاومت ویژه ایتون و نمودار صوتی استفاده شده است. با بکارگیری روشهای تجربی مانندمدلسازی نظری فشار منفذی، میتوان به مکانیزم تولید فشار غیرعادی پیبرد. با توجه به حساسیت بیان شده در تعیین این پارامتر، این مطالعه به بیان روشهای تعیین فشار منفذی از طریق نمودارهای متداول چاه پیمایی میپردازد. که نهایتا مشخص گردید، رابطه ایتون به کمک نمودار صوتی مقادیر قابل قبولتری از فشار منفذی نسبت به دیگر روابط ارایه کرده است
GMO standards, endogenous policy and the market for information[]

GMO standards, endogenous policy and the market for information

The paper develops a composite index of GMO standards restrictiveness for 60 countries, assigning objective scores to six different regulatory dimensions. Using this index and its components, we empirically investigate the political and economic determinants of GMO regulations for 55 countries, controlling for spatial autocorrelation. Results show that many of the determinants highlighted in the theoretical literature, such as the structure of the agricultural sector and the institutional environment are important determinants of the restrictiveness of the GMO regulation. As a key result there emerges a prominent role of the market for information, showing that the structure of domestic mass media (public vs. private) is an important driver of GMO standards
Greenhouse gas emission accounting for EU member states from[]

Greenhouse gas emission accounting for EU member states from 1991 to 2012

Collectively, the EU is among the world’s largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters, though remarkable decreases in GHG emissions have been observed in recent years. In this work the GHG emissions for the 28 EU member states between 1991 and 2012 are accounted for and compared according to the inventory method of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The structure of GHG emissions at a national level, their distribution between countries, and trends across the period are then analyzed. National emission sources and sinks are decomposed for each country to elucidate the contribution of each sector (energy, industrial processes, solvents and other product use, agriculture, land use/landuse change and forestry, and waste) to the national totals. Germany was the largest emitter, with net emissions totaling 939 Tg CO2 equivalent in 2012, 60% more than the UK and 89% more than France, the second and third biggest emitters, respectively. The energy sector and agriculture were found to be the largest sources of emissions in most countries. Four quadrants were established to compare countries’ performance in emission intensity, carbon removal rate, and net reduction rate of GHG emissions. Slovenia, Portugal, Sweden, and Finland were located in Quadrant II as they displayed relatively low emission intensities and high carbon removal rates. Conversely, Hungary, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, and Poland were located in Quadrant IV because of their relatively high emission intensities and low carbon removal rates. Some suggestions for integrating the annual results and the trends both within and among countries into national and regional emissions reduction strategies are also included. The unified accounting framework and analysis of the structure of GHG emissions may also be useful for other countries and regions