بایگانی برچسب برای: Imaging


Imaging Acute Abdomen in Children

Abdominal pain or symptoms related to the gastrointestinal, urinary or genital tract are common complaints and frequent reason for admission of children in the emergency department (ED) . Despite the relatively benign nature of the most common diseases treated in the paediatric ED, there are some clinical entities that can have adverse outcomes. How high is the index of suspicion among clinicians for such serious pathologies and how well aware are they of recent advances in their diagnosis and treatment? What are the clinical pitfalls to be avoided? One issue is to detect the child with a rare and potentially severe condition among all children with more common diagnoses in the ED. A second issue is the management of abdominal diseases in very young children, who often present with less specifc signs. A third issue is more and more often the admission of children soon after the onset of the frst symptoms. In this situation, the repetition of initially normal examinations could be necessary. The mechanisms of intra-abdominal diseases can be of vascular, obstructive or infectious origin. The causes vary with the age of the child, although almost all causes can be seen at any age. For example, intussusception usually occurs in children 2 months to 2 years of age. When it is described (rarely) in older children, an underlying disease has to be searched.

Diagnosis and Management of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer among women after breast, bowel, lung, and endometrial and remains the leading cause of death due to gynecological malignancy (Cancer.org 2016). Epithelial ovarian cancer accounts for the vast majority of ovarian malignancies with figures of around 85 %. Due to its insidious nature of presentation, it is often not diagnosed until the later stages leading to a high mortality rate. Five-year survival is very much influenced by stage at diagnosis. Over the last 20 years, incidence and mortality have remained fairly static, and much research is being undertaken looking for aids to diagnosis, possible screening methods, and improvement in treatment options, both surgical and medical. In this chapter we will discuss presentation, diagnostic tools, and possible management regimes for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer.

Practical Manual of Tricuspid Valve Diseases

Tricuspid valve (TV) dysfunction can result from morphological alterations in the valve or from functional aberrations of the myocardium. It can be classifed as primary and secondary. Primary TV disease with intrinsic structural abnormality is less common than diseases of the aortic and mitral valves. The slow progression of the disease leads to delayed appearance of symptoms. The physical signs are often less impressive. Hence, it may go undetected until advanced stage results in hepatomegaly, ascites, and leg edema. The secondary form of TV disease is far more common and is often the result of annular dilatation with incomplete valve closure. The functional abnormalities may be in the form of pure or predominant tricuspid stenosis (TS), pure or predominant tricuspid regurgitation (TR), or mixed.

Atlas of Imaging in Infertility

The female pelvis comprises organs that produce gametes and are responsible for their transport, as well as the bone and muscle support structures. The pelvis can be divided into the pelvic structure and internal and external genitalia . The skeleton of the pelvis is formed by the sacrum, coccyx, and the hip bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis) that previously merged to form the pubis symphysis. The sacrum and coccyx are an extension of the backbone, resulting from the fve fused sacral vertebrae; they are connected by a symphysis type of articulation that allows for some movement. One of the key points of the sacrum is the promontory, the most prominent and anterior projection, which is located just below the bifurcation of the level of the common iliac arteries. It is an important point of reference for the insertion of a laparoscope and for sacrocolpopexy .The two hip bones are then posteriorly articulated to the sacrococcygeal region of the spine, and previously between themselves, through the pubic symphysis, both being semimobile joints. A plane passing through the arched line, and the top edge of the pubic symphysis, divides the pelvis into the greater pelvis (above it) and lower pelvis (below it); this is known as the true pelvis.

Imaging and Diagnosis in Pediatric Brain Tumor Studies

Pediatric brain tumors, especially embryonal and other high-grade tumor types, have the propensity to disseminate along the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathway ,while spread outside the central nervous system (CNS) at diagnosis is very rare. The management of pediatric brain tumors has evolved over the last three decades as a result of prospective multicentric clinical trials. Multimodal treatment including surgical resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy has led to improved outcomes in many entities. However, treatment- related toxicity often has a major impact on long-term quality of survival. In order to reduce sequelae, the concept of stratification into risk groups according to clinical variables (e.g., age, presence of metastases detected by imaging or cytological evaluation of CSF, and postoperative residual tumor status) has been developed in the last decades, adjusting the intensity of therapy to the risk of relapse. While the principal treatment strategies have not significantly changed over the past few years, enormous progress has been made in understanding of tumor biology, which has led and most likely will continue to lead to further refinements of risk stratification and to the development of novel therapy approaches using targeted drugs in a personalized way.

Imaging in Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is defned as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that may impair health, and it is a chronic disease that is increasing in prevalence . Global obesity rates have tripled in many countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region since the 1980s, and the numbers of those affected continue to rise at an alarming rate . Based on the latest estimates in European Union countries, overweight affects 30–70%, and obesity affects 10–30% of adults. In the USA 70% of the population are now affected by excess weight or obesity . It is now no exaggeration to state that obesity is an international epidemic. Moreover, it is no longer a disorder of the adult since obesity prevalence in children has accelerated rapidly affecting 21.1% of girls and 18.6% of European boys (Ahrens et al. 2014).
Clinicians’, Guides , Radionuclide, Hybrid ,Imaging ,PETCT[taliem.ir]

Clinicians’ Guides to Radionuclide Hybrid Imaging PET/CT

The term “cancer of unknown primary” refers to a condition in which a patient has metastatic malignancy without an identified primary source. The majority of patients have malignancy which appears to derive from epithelial cells and hence are regarded as having carcinoma of unknown primary. Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) is diagnosed following histological confirmation of malignancy with no obvious primary after a detailed history, examination and investigations. It occurs in 4–5% of patients presenting with invasive cancer .