بسیاري از يیشرفتهاي تكنولوژي امروزي اقتباس تكامل يافته اي ازدستاوردهاي مراحل نخستین زندگي بشر مي باشند. به عنوان مثال ، اولین مورد استفاده از هواي فشرده مربوط به زماني اس كه انسان نخستین بادمیدن به كنده هاي نیم سوزي كه براثر صاعقه بوجود آمده بود ، آتش را روشن نگه مي داشت. اولین كمپرسور خدادادي با مشخصات شگفت انگیز شش انسان استكه قادر اس 100لیتر در دقیقه و يا شش متر مكعب در ساع را با فشاري معادل 02.0–0.08بار تامین كند. aدر سال 1762میلادي اولین كمپرسور سنتي يا موتودهاي محرك آبي و ولوهاي چوبي توسط جان اسمتین اختراع شد و در سال 1776میلاذي اولین كمپرسور يا سیلندر چدني و يا محدك بخار توسط جان ويلكینس تولید شد و منجر به تحول در تونل سازي و صناي ذوب فلزات شد هواي مورد نیاز براي دمیدن را شش هاي وي كه كمپرسوري خدادادي با مشخصات شگف انگیز اس، تأمین مي كرد.شش هاي انسان عادي قادراس ١٠٠لیتر در دقیقه و يا شش مترمكعب درساع با فشاري معادل/02-/08 بار تأمین كند . درصورت سالم بودن ، اين كمپرسور اولیه انساني به نحو شايسته و بدون رقیب و بي وقفه كاركرده و هزينه نگهداري وتعمیرات آن درحد صفر مي باشد.
Many of today’s technological advances are adapted from the evolution of the early stages of human life. For example, the first use of compressed air was when a man first fired at the half-burnt blows caused by lightning. The first God-given compressor with amazing specifications of six people is capable of delivering 100 liters per minute or six cubic meters per hour at a pressure of 0.02-0.08 times. a. In 1762 the first traditional compressor or water motors and wooden valves were invented by John Smith and in 1776 the first compressor or cylinder or steam cylinder was manufactured by John Wilkins, leading to the development of the tunneling and steel industry. His need for breathing was provided by his God-given compressor with amazing features. Normal human lungs were capable of 2 liters per minute or six cubic meters at a pressure of 0.02-0. When it is healthy, this basic human compressor is well-functioning and has a zero cost and maintenance cost. Much of today’s technology advances are an adaptation of the evolution of the early stages of human life. For example, the first use of compressed air was when a man first fired at the half-burnt blows caused by lightning. The first God-given compressor with amazing specifications of six people is capable of delivering 100 liters per minute or six cubic meters per hour at a pressure of 0.02-0.08 times. a. In 1762 the first traditional compressor or water motors and wooden valves were invented by John Smith and in 1776 the first compressor or cylinder or steam cylinder was manufactured by John Wilkins, leading to the development of the tunneling and steel industry. His need for breathing was provided by his God-given compressor with amazing features. Normal human lungs were capable of 2 liters per minute or six cubic meters at a pressure of 0.02-0. If it is healthy, this basic human compressor is well-functioning and without competition and has zero maintenance costs.
Year: ۲۰۱۲
Source : ۰
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File Information: persian Language/ 31 Page / size: 503 KB
سال : ۱۳۹۱
منبع : ۰
کاری از : ۰
اطلاعات فایل : زبان فارسی / 31 صفحه / حجم : 503 KB
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