Linking GIS and water resources management models[]

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Many challenges are associated with the integration of geographic information systems (GISs) with models in specific applications. One of them is adapting models to the environment of GISs. Unique aspects of water resource management problems require a special approach to development of GIS data structures. Expanded development of GIS applications for handling water resources management analysis can be assisted by use of an object oriented approach. In this paper, we model a river basin water allocation problem as a collection of spatial and thematic objects. A conceptual GIS data model is formulated to integrate the physical and logical components of the modeling problem into an operational framework, based on which, extended GIS functions are developed to implement a tight linkage between the GIS and the water resources management model. Through the object-oriented approach, data, models and users interfaces are integrated in the GIS environment, creating great flexibility for modeling and analysis. The concept and methodology described in this paper is also applicable to connecting GIS with models in other fields that have a spatial dimension and hence to which GIS can provide a powerful additional component of the modeler’s tool kit
Violent Web images classification based on MPEG7[]

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In this article, we present a contribution to the violent Web images classification. This subject is deeply important as it has a potential use for many applications such as violent Web sites filtering. We propose to combine the techniques of image analysis and data-mining to relate low level characteristics extracted from the image’s colors to a higher characteristic of violence which could be contained in the image. We present a comparative study of different data mining techniques to classify violent Web images. Also, we discuss how the combination learning based methods can improve accuracy rate. Our results show that our approach can detect violent content effectively
A State Of The Art Opinion Mining And Its[]

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This paper critically evaluates existing work, presents an opinion mining framework and exposes new areas of research in opinion mining. Individuals, businesses and government can now easily know the general opinion prevailing on a product, company or public policy. At the core of this field is semantic orientation of subjective terms in documents or reviews which seeks to establish their contextual connotation through opinion mining. Overall item sentiment can be expressed based on its sentiment words in general or by specifically identifying its features and the opinions being expressed about them. This leads us to the motivation of the framework for opinion mining and categorizing current literature in such a manner as to make clear, research opportunities. The freedom offered by the web as a platform for presenting opinions on any subject brings with it many new opportunities
Work Life Balance What DO You Mean[]

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This article categorizes definitions of work life balance (WLB) according to a framework of ethical ideologies. By understanding what perspective the definition of WLB is framed within, practitioners and academics will be better able to assess the suitability of that definition for a particular application. Although many current definitions are absolutist in nature, dictating a “right” balance that all should aspire to, the author argues that definitions reflecting a situationalist perspective are most valuable to academics and practitioners. Definitions from a situationalist perspective offer an opportunity to explore what factors contribute to attainment of WLB for particular groups of people. Once there are broadly agreed definitions of WLB for groups of people, relevant measures of WLB and WLB initiatives that respond to these definitions can be developed. This will provide a baseline for the comparative analysis of WLB programs. Implications for organization development interventions and change management practice are explored
New Avenues in[]

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people often rely on their peers’ past experiences. Until recently, the main sources of information were friends and specialized magazine or websites. Now, the “social web” provides new tools to effciently create and share ideas with everyone connected to the World Wide Web. Forums, blogs, social networks, and content- sharing services help people share useful information. This information is unstructured, however, and because it’s produced for human consumption, it’s not something that’s “machine processable.” Capturing public opinion about social events, political movements, company strategies, marketing campaigns, and product preferences is garnering increasing interest from the scientifc community (for the exciting open challenges), and from the business world (for the remarkable marketing fallouts and for possible fnancial market prediction). The resulting emerging felds are opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Although commonly used interchangeably to denote the same feld of study, opinion mining and sentiment analysis actually focus on polarity detection and emotion recognition, respectively. Because the identification of sentiment is often exploited for detecting polarity, however, the two felds are usually combined under the same umbrella or even used as synonyms. Both felds use data mining and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to discover, retrieve, and distill information and opinions from the World Wide Web’s vast textual information
Climate Change, Human Impacts, and the[]

Climate Change, Human Impacts, and the Resilience of Coral Reefs

the ecosystem goods and services they provide to maritime tropical and oral reefs are critically important for subtropical nations . Yet reefs are in serious decline; an estimated 30% are already severely damaged, and close to 60% may be lost by 2030 . There are no pristine reefs left . Local successes at protecting coral reefs over the past 30 years have failed to reverse regionalscale declines, and global management of reefs must undergo a radical change in emphasis and implementation if it is to make a real difference. Here, we review current knowledge of the status of coral reefs, the human threats to them now and in the near future, and new directions for research in support of management of these vital natural resources. Until recently, the direct and indirect effects of overfishing and pollution from agriculture and land development have been the major drivers of massive and accelerating decreases in abundance of coral reef species, causing widespread changes in reef ecosystems over the past two centuries . With increased human populations and improved storage and transport systems, the scale of human impacts on reefs has grown exponentially. For example, markets for fishes and other natural resources have become global, supplying demand for reef resources far removed from their tropical sources
ارائه مدل اخلالگر بر لینک دیتاي مبتنی بر سیستم DSS[]

دانلود ارائه مدل اخلالگر بر لینک دیتاي مبتنی بر سیستم DSS

سیستم طیف گسترده سیستمی است که پهناي باند خروجی (پهنـاي بانـد ارسـالی) آن خیلـی بزرگتـر از پهنـاي بانـد دیتـاي ورودي(باند پایه) آن باشد. در این مقاله اثر انواع مختلف تکنیک هاي اختلال بر روي لینک دیتـاي مبتنـی بـر سیسـتم طیـف گسترده ي دنباله مستقیم تجزیه و تحلیل شده و شبیه سازي شده است. و احتمال خطا برمبناي توان اخلالگر نسبت بـه تـوان سیگنال به ازاي SNRهاي مختلف محاسبه شده است. و این محاسبات و نتایج بدست آمده نسبت به هم مقایسه گردیده است و میتواند در طراحی سیتسم هاي مربوط به طیف گسترده براي ایجاد اختلال یا مقابله ي با آن در سامانه هاي ارتباطاتی مدرن مورد استفاده قرار گیرد
Investigation of the cracking of CFRD face plates[]

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The primary goal of this study was to examine the cracking behavior of the face plate of a CFRD over its life cycle. Analyses of the construction stage, impounding, long-term deformation and earthquake loading were conducted in sequential phases using a 2-D plane-strain model with the appropriate nonlinear constitutive relationships for the dam constituents. The state of stress and the cracking behavior of the plate were found to be substantially different in the short and long term. Earthquake loading appears to be a critical load condition for the face plate; cracking increased significantly after ground shaking
Cyclic axial response and energy dissipation of cold-formed steel[]

Cyclic axial response and energy dissipation of cold-formed steel framing members

This paper summarizes results from an experimental program that investigated the cyclic axial behavior and energy dissipation of cold-formed steel C—sections structural framing members. Fully characterized cyclic axial load–deformation response of individual members is necessary to facilitate performancebased design of cold-formed steel building systems. Specimen cross-section dimensions and lengths were selected to isolate specific buckling modes (i.e., local, distortional or global buckling). The cyclic loading protocol was adapted from FEMA 461 with target displacements based on elastic buckling properties. Cyclic response showed large post-buckling deformations, pinching, strength and stiffness degradation. Damage accumulated within one half-wave after buckling. The total hysteretic energy dissipated within the damaged half-wave decreased with increasing cross-section slenderness. More energy dissipation comes at the cost of less cumulative axial deformation before tensile rupture
A beam–column joint element for analysis of reinforced concrete frame[]

A beam–column joint element for analysis of reinforced concrete frame structures

Earthquake reconnaissance and laboratory tests reveal that the beam–column joints of existing RC frame structures in China are susceptible to failure, leading to severe structural damage. However, the inelastic response of joint elements is rarely considered in structural analysis or design. A new joint element considering shear deformation and bar-slip behaviour was proposed and verified using an extensive experimental data set. Two RC frame specimens with different details were modelled with the joint element and their simulated seismic responses were compared with experimental results in terms of global and local performance. Based on the simulation, the joint element proved to be reliable and suitable for 2D structural modelling. Finally, two reinforced concrete frame structures with the same dimensions and reinforcement ratios but different ductility are modelled with and without the proposed joint elements. The proposed joint element was shown to accurately predict the mechanical behaviour of such structures and their components, especially the hysteresis behaviour. Analysis shows that joint failure tends to happen in low- ductility structures and will reduce the ductility and the energy dissipation ability of the structure, even cause structural collapse. Compared with the new designed structures, seismic performance of the low-ductility ones is worse, with poor energy dissipation, weak collapse resistance and brittle failure modes