بایگانی برچسب برای: Lung Cancer


Precision Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer

This textbook discusses in considerable detail the molecular landscape of lung cancer and how the molecular biology of the tumour is involved in the evolution, growth and development of the disease. Huge advances in our knowledge have been made in recent years, thanks in part to technology allowing whole exome and even whole genome sequencing. Apart from elucidating the molecular basis of this most fatal of malignant diseases, the molecular features of lung cancer can also be exploited therapeutically. Pathologists have known for a very long time about how different individual tumours can be from each other; to a large extent, we now understand that this morphological variation is a reflection of molecular heterogeneity. The development of so-called molecularly targeted drugs, and a realization that these drugs do not work for every patient, rapidly led to the need to select patients, often based on their molecular characteristics, to ensure a higher chance of therapy response. This idea of precision or personalized medicine is of course, not new. The concept of selective toxicity was pioneered decades ago and has been a familiar practice in medicine, treating infections with antibiotics based upon sensitivity testing.

Molecular Targeted Therapy of Lung Cancer

Classifcation of lung adenocarcinoma was largely revised in the 4th edition of WHO classifcation of tumors of the lung, pleura, thymus, and heart published in 2015. This chapter deals with the major changes in the adenocarcinoma classifcation, briefly describing the defnition, gross and histopathological fndings, genetic profles and clinical features of each subtype, and variants of lung adenocarcinoma. Special reference was also made to the prognostic aspects. The new concepts of adenocarcinoma in situ and minimally invasive adenocarcinoma are especially important from the prognostic point of view because of their virtual connotation as 100% curable cancers if resected completely. Each subtype of invasive adenocarcinoma may be categorized into either good, intermediate, or poor prognostic group. Much progress has been made regarding the genetic profles as well, such as the occurrence of EGFR and KRAS mutations, ALK fusion genes and recently discovered alterations, and NRG1 fusion genes in association with adenocarcinomas with certain characteristics. A brief overview of the major changes in the lung adenocarcinoma classifcation in this chapter will help physicians, radiologists, and pathologists grasp the signifcance and meaning of the histopathological diagnosis according to the new WHO classifcation.