بایگانی برچسب برای: Essentials

Essentials of[taliem.ir]

Essentials of Menopause Management

The hallmark of menopause is a permanent loss of ovarian function due to depletion of ovarian reserve, i.e., ovarian complement of oocyte-granulosa cells. Menopause is defned retrospectively as the cessation of spontaneous menstrual cycles for 12 months. The average age of natural menopause varies slightly across races and ethnicities; however, in Caucasian women, it has remained relatively fxed at 51 years . With advances in health care and reduction in maternal mortality in the Western world, women are expected to live long enough and spend roughly 40 % of their lives in a postmenopausal state. Accordingly, the burden of menopausal symptoms for individual women as well as the population cannot be trivialized .
Essentials of[taliem.ir]

Essentials of Hypertension

In the classic book The Principles and Practice of Medicine, Sir William Osler did not mention hypertension or its archaic name, hyperpiesis . He obviously could not address a disease still undiscovered at that time, when the available noninvasive method to measure blood pressure (BP)—the sphygmograph, which measured the amplifed radial pulse—was not reliable and practical for clinical use. Scipione Riva-Rocci opened up a new era, presenting the sphygmomanometer in 1896 . Pulse palpation measured only systolic BP. Nikolai Sergeyevich Korotkov, a Russian surgeon, identifed diastolic BP by auscultation in 1905 . For many decades, the only novelty in BP measurement was the misspelling of the name “Korotkov ,”which was changed to “Korotkoff” in some publications. Chapter 3 discusses the methods used for BP measurement Businesspersons were the frst people to identify the risks of high BP. In 1911, the medical director of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company determined that applicants for life insurance should have their BP measured with a sphygmomanometer . Sir William Osler, in a lecture given to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1912, proposed that BP over 160 mmHg was high . He did not, however, suspect its importance in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.