بایگانی برچسب برای: Developmental


Introductory Chapter: Five-Dimensional Approach to the Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is not a specifc disorder; it is rather a scale of overlapping and transforming conditions. It ranges from occult dysplasia seen on ultrasound screening of newborns, neonatal hip instability and dislocated hip whether reducible by orthopaedic manipulation or not. The hallmark of DDH is acetabular dysplasia—abnormality in size, shape or orientation of acetabulum. A thoughtful elucidation regarding DDH is that it is ‘a common and preventable cause of childhood disability’ . Complications and consequences of DDH make this time interval much longer, though. The incidence of many faces of DDH is fortunately distributed: it is reported to be as much as 8% for dysplasia, 1–3% for neonatal hip instability and <0.2% for frank dislocation . These epidemiological data are greatly influenced by both diagnostic criteria and diagnostic methods used . They evolve not only due to demographic changes of population, predominantly through migrations and genetic mixing, but also due to changes in nutrition . DDH is not a disease of modern age. It was recognised and described by Hippocrates as a congenital dislocation of the hip. Dysplastic hips and presence of false acetabulum were found in skeletons from medieval times .