بایگانی برچسب برای: Breast Cancer


Imaging and Focal Therapy of Early Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is characterized by a low mortality—incidence ratio partially due to the diagnosis of localized and low-risk disease . Focal therapy for prostate cancer has evolved in order to address the need for treatment of localized disease without exposing patients to the morbidities associated with radical therapy such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction and thus allowing them to maintain a good quality of life. In women, similarly to prostate cancer, the overdiagnosis of breast cancer due to improved imaging has induced the progression of surgical techniques from radical mastectomy to a more focal approach with individualized breast conservative strategies. In the following chapter, we will be reviewing the evolution of focal therapy in breast and prostate cancer and will examine what were the factors that drove this evolution in time.

Pathophysiological Aspects of Proteases

Proteolytic enzymes comprise five classes depending on their catalytic mechanisms: serine, cysteine, aspartic, threonine, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Proteases play an important role in all stages of cancer progression :cancerogenesis, invasiveness, and metastasis. Level and activation of proteases is associated with progression of breast cancer. Cathepsins are proteases involved in tumor formation, and activity of Cathepsin D (CatD) is considered as an independent tumor marker for breast cancer patients. Processes of apoptosis, cell proliferation, growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis are enhanced by CatD. MMPs represent a family of proteases that are involved in processes of invasion and metastasis through cleavage of basement membrane and remodeling of extracellular matrix. Considering that breast cancer had highly aggressive biology, it has been investigated and found that high activity of MMPs, particularly MMP-2 and MMP-9, is engaged in all stages of tumor progression. As proteases are involved in physiological processes such as immune response and in pathological conditions, it seems that examinations of molecular pathways of breast cancer could define a therapeutic target based on proteases.
Changing Paradigms[taliem.ir]

Changing Paradigms in the Management of Breast Cancer

Breast imaging plays a critical role in the detection, diagnosis, and management of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Although there are a multitude of risk factors associated with breast cancer, such as female gender, increasing age, and family history, the density of breast tissue as evident on mammography has more recently been identifed as an independent risk factor . Although some studies suggest that the lifetime risk increases by four to six times for women with dense breast tissue, this is misleading as this compares women with extremely dense tissue to women with predominantly fatty breasts, both of which represent a minority of the population . More realistically, the lifetime risk is only increased by 1.2–2.1 times in a woman with heterogeneously dense or extremely dense breasts, respectively, when compared to the average woman who has scattered fbroglandular tissue. However, as breast density is known to lower the sensitivity of mammography due to “masking” of cancers, the integration of newer modalities for the management of newly diagnosed breast cancer, such as digital breast tomosynthesis, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), continues to evolve. In addition, recent legislative efforts that mandate direct patient otifcation of breast density exist in nearly 50% of states in the USA. Consequently, there is a growing research on developing more sensitive and specifc tools to “see through” the dense tissue and therefore permit earlier cancer detection, which should translate into improved outcomes.