Taking advantage of big data opportunities is challenging for traditional organizations. In this article, we take a panoptic view of big data – obtaining information from many sources and making it visible to all organizational levels. We suggest that big data requires the transformation from command and control hierarchies to post-bureaucratic organizational structures wherein employees at all levels can be empowered while simultaneously being controlled. We derive propositions that show how to best exploit big
data technologies in organizations
In her seminal book, In the Age of the Smart Machine, Zuboff (1988) observed that information systems not only automate various organizational processes; they also have the unique capacity of “producing” information by making activities, events, and objects more visible. Organizations with high information visibility are called informated organizations, and they
“…operate very differently from the traditional assumption of imperative control” (Zuboff,
1988: 411). To be effective, informated organizations have to increase the informationprocessing
capacities of their hierarchies or decentralize through lateral coordination mechanisms (Galbraith, 2012). Recent technological advances offer huge opportunities to enhance the level of information visibility in organizations by leveraging big data. On the one hand, increased information visibility may help to empower employees. On the other hand, visibility can increase the surveillance of individuals which may have negative effects on employees’ job satisfaction, performance, and motivation (Ball, 2010). In this article, we discuss information visibility and derive its implications for organizational behavior and design. First, we broadly describe information visibility in the era of big data and introduce the information visibility paradox. Next, we derive the implications of information visibility in the form of propositions about how big data can be exploited. Lastly, we close with some concluding remarks about our
intended contribution and future research.
Year : 2014
Publisher : JOD
By : Martin Berner , Enrico Graupner , Alexander Maedche
File Information : English Language / 6 Page /Size : 265 K
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سال : 2014
ناشر : JOD
کاری از : Martin Berner , Enrico Graupner , Alexander Maedche
اطلاعات فایل : زبان انگلیسی /6 صفحه /حجم : 256 K
لینک دانلود : روی همین لینک کلیک کنید
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