بایگانی برچسب برای: Therapeutic


Therapeutic Endoscopy in the Gastrointestinal Tract

All visible lesions of the GI tract need a diagnostic clarifcation on principle. Frequently, the superfcial pattern allows the examiner to predict the histopathological entity. Terefore, the pit pattern classifcations according to Kudo (. Fig. 1.1) (Toyoshima et al. 2015) or others are helpful. Tey don’t replace (yet) the histopathological exam .Te need for pre-therapeutic biopsies is under debate. For the confrmation of the existence of a lesion and its basic entity, a biopsy is necessary. On the other hand, the biopsy might be not representative for the entire lesion or the most advanced part of the tumor. It should be borne in mind that the result of a biopsy expresses the minimum degree of the lesion but not necessarily the fnal characterization. Many authors comment about scarring and technical problems with resection afer biopsies, but there is no evidence for this. Another disadvantage is the possible initiation of enlargement of lymph nodes, which could falsify tumor staging by endoscopic ultrasound. Tat is why the necessity of biopsies has to be decided on an individual basis. In particular, if the resectability of the tumor is recognizable, a biopsy is not necessary. If there is a doubt about the existence of a tumor and if the tumor cannot be resected endoscopically, a biopsy is mandatory.

Practice and Principles in Therapeutic Colonoscopy

Certain prerequisites should be met before the procedure for a successful and safe therapeutic colonoscopies . First, in terms of patients, suffcient explanation and gaining informed consents in essential. In addition, the patient’s concurrent medication and general health condition should be checked. Furthermore, proper sedative and bowel-cleansing agents should be carefully selected for each individual patient (Table 1.1). Second, a colonoscopist should be profcient in therapeutic colonoscopic procedures and well trained assistant including nurses are necessary. Third, the proper systems and instruments including supplies for emergencies should be prepared.

Therapeutic Angiogenesis

The book discusses recent fndings and current perspectives in therapeutic angiogenesis. Generally, surgical bypass and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty alone or in combination with pharmacological therapy are options for revascularization and improvement in limb ischemic symptoms in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Unfortunately, patients with peripheral arterial disease with no other treatment option are subjected to amputation. Recently, clinical studies have shown that novel therapies, including implantation of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells, peripheral mononuclear cells, endothelial progenitor cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and adipose-derived stem cells; transfer of genes encoding for angiogenic growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, and fbroblast growth factor; and other therapies (e.g., irradiation of pulsed ultrasound and shock wave, injection of granulocyte colony- stimulating factor, Waon therapy, aerobic exercise, new drug delivery system, and use of tissue engineering) are effective for improvement of clinical symptoms in patients with critical limb ischemia who previously had no treatment option other than amputation. This concept is called “therapeutic angiogenesis.” In 2002, it was reported for the frst time that implantation of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells increases collateral vessel formation and improves ischemic symptoms in patients with peripheral arterial disease who have no other treatment option.