بایگانی برچسب برای: Promotion


Innovations in Retail Pricing and Promotions

Retailers confront a seemingly impossible dual competitive challenge: grow the top line while also preserving their bottom line. Innovations in pricing and promotion provide considerable opportunities to target customers effectively both offline and online. Retailers also have gained enhanced abilities to measure and improve the effectiveness of their promotions. This article synthesizes recent advances in pricing and promotions findings as they pertain to enhanced targeting, new price and promotion models, and improved effectiveness. It also highlights the role of new enabling technologies and suggests important avenues for further research.


The World Health Organization (WHO, 1947) defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” While most of us can identify when we are sick or have some infirmity, identifying the characteristics of complete physical, mental, and social well- being is often a bit more difficult. What does complete physical, mental, and social well-being look like? How will we know when or if we arrive at that state? If it is achieved, does it mean that we will not succumb to any disease, from the common cold to cancer? In 1986, the first International Conference of Health Promotion, held in Ottawa, Canada, issued the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, which defined health in a broader perspective: “health has been considered less as an abstract state and more as a means to an end which is expressed in functional terms as a resource which permits people to lead an individually, socially, and economically productive life” (WHO, 1986). Accordingly, health in this view is a resource for everyday life, not the object of living. It is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities.

Academic Promotion for Clinicians

Medical schools in the United States have approximately 166,000 faculty members (Fig. 1.1). The vast majority, about 121,000 (73%) individuals, are physicians, but faculty appointments are also held by many other health professionals .These clinicians have chosen academic practice despite the many career opportunities available in health care. In addition to the individual faculty member, many others including patients, learners, colleagues, institutions, and society have investments in clinicians enjoying long and productive careers in academic medicine. Unfortunately, the evidence points to widespread and deepening dissatisfaction with academic careers. While escalating demands for patient care and educational services are major factors in faculty dissatisfaction, the systems for academic promotion are part of the problem.