بایگانی برچسب برای: PRINCIPLES


Surgical Principles of Minimally Invasive Procedures

Ergonomics” can be defned as the scientifc study of people at work, applying biological and engineering information to the operating room layout and personnel (including the patient) in a system approach taking into account the anatomic, physiologic, and psychological variabilities of the people who work within the given environment. The goal of ergonomics is to enhance effectiveness and effciency in the man–machine interaction while reducing surgeon discomfort, fatigue and errors, and, ultimately, increasing patient safety. In contrast to conventional “open” surgery, the surgeon performs laparoscopic operations with instruments fxed by a fulcrum point via the trocar inserted into the body wall of the cavity of interest. Loss of depth perception (in twodimensional screens), impaired peripheral vision, decoupling of the visual and motor axes and the need to unceasingly adapt to ever evolving high technology applications are among the challenges with which surgeons interact with the given environment.

Principles and Practice of Urooncology

The use of radiological imaging in urological cancers is increasing with improvements in imaging technologies and implementation of these techniques to clinical scenarios. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging have enormous potentials in the diagnosis, staging, and surveillance of urological cancers. Emerging imaging techniques enable morphologic assessment of urological cancers with high spatial and contrast resolution. Functional imaging techniques reveal microstructure of tumors which can be used in the diagnosis, prediction of prognosis, and assessment of response to treatment and surveillance of tumors. Biopsyless diagnosis may be possible in the future particularly for renal and prostate tumors. In this chapter, current status of urooncologic imaging will be reviewed.

Practice and Principles in Therapeutic Colonoscopy

Certain prerequisites should be met before the procedure for a successful and safe therapeutic colonoscopies . First, in terms of patients, suffcient explanation and gaining informed consents in essential. In addition, the patient’s concurrent medication and general health condition should be checked. Furthermore, proper sedative and bowel-cleansing agents should be carefully selected for each individual patient (Table 1.1). Second, a colonoscopist should be profcient in therapeutic colonoscopic procedures and well trained assistant including nurses are necessary. Third, the proper systems and instruments including supplies for emergencies should be prepared.


Q: An alternative definition for a distributed system is that of a collection of independent computers providing the view of being a single system, that is, it is completely hidden from users that there even multiple computers. Give an example where this view would come in very handy. A: What immediately comes to mind is parallel computing. If one could design programs that run without any serious modifications on distributed systems that appear to be the same as nondistributed systems, life would be so much easier. Achieving a single-system view is by now considered virtually impossible when performance is in play. Q: What is the role of middleware in a distributed system? A: To enhance the distribution transparency that is missing in network operating systems. In other words, middleware aims at improving the single-system view that a distributed system should have. Q: Many networked systems are organized in terms of a back office and a front office. How does organizations match with the coherent view we demand for a distributed system? A: A mistake easily made is to assume that a distributed system as operating in an organization, should be spread across the entire organization. In practice, we see distributed systems being installed along the way that an organization is split up. In this sense, we could have a distributed system supporting backoffice procedures and processes, as well as a separate front-office system. Of course, the two may be coupled, but there is no reason for letting this coupling be fully transparent.


Q: An alternative definition for a distributed system is that of a collection of independent computers providing the view of being a single system, that is, it is completely hidden from users that there even multiple computers. Give an example where this view would come in very handy. A: What immediately comes to mind is parallel computing. If one could design programs that run without any serious modifications on distributed systems that appear to be the same as nondistributed systems, life would be so much easier. Achieving a single-system view is by now considered virtually impossible when performance is in play. Q: What is the role of middleware in a distributed system? A: To enhance the distribution transparency that is missing in network operating systems. In other words, middleware aims at improving the single-system view that a distributed system should have. 3. Q: Many networked systems are organized in terms of a back office and a front office. How does organizations match with the coherent view we demand for a distributed system? A: A mistake easily made is to assume that a distributed system as operating in an organization, should be spread across the entire organization. In practice, we see distributed systems being installed along the way that an organization is split up. In this sense, we could have a distributed system supporting backoffice procedures and processes, as well as a separate front-office system. Of course, the two may be coupled, but there is no reason for letting this coupling be fully transparent.