بایگانی برچسب برای: Network
Towards a Cognitive TCP/IP Network Architecture
اطلاع رسانیThe principal aim of cognitive networking is to equip traditional networks with some sort of intelligence, in order to make them evolve and achieve higher levels of performance than those that can currently be achieved . Typical characteristics of cognitive networks are the ability to monitor the environment they are deployed in, to take reasoned actions based on current conditions towards an end-to-end objective, and to learn from past experience. Such enhanced networks will likely be characterized by a nonnegligible complexity, which can be tolerated if accompanied by relevant benefits, such as performance increase or mitigation of management burden. Different cognitive proposals have been proposed thus far in the literature, ranging from general framework definitions , to cognitive node architectures , to specific implementations . This contribution aims to illustrate the concepts we advanced in previous works , in which we described how the cognitive networking paradigm can fill the gap between service-oriented architectures and network, and extend them, by enabling reasoning with external information, i.e. information that is not locally available and is sensed elsewhere in the network. This enables the cognitive process to achieve a global vision of the network, which should facilitate the achievement of better end-to-end performance.
Network Coding Based Reliable Broadcast Protocol in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks
اطلاع رسانیMulti-Channel Multi-Radio (MCMR) Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have emerged as a new paradigm in multi-hop wireless networks. In a typical MCMR WMNs, each node has multiple radios with multiple available channels on each radio, which allows nodes to have simultaneous transmissions and receptions. Therefore, network performance is improved. As a key technology in WMNs, reliable broadcast can provide efficient data transmission. GreedyCode is a network coding based reliable broadcast protocol proposed by our group earlier, whose basic idea is to opportunistically select the forwarders with the highest transmission efficiency to transmit the encoded packets while the neighbors just listen. In this paper, we consider one-to-all broadcast scenarios and propose a novel GreedyCode based reliable broadcast protocol MCMR-GreedyCode, which is two-fold: channel assignment and link scheduling. Specially, we propose the Level Channel Assignment Strategy (LCAS) algorithm and determine the number of data packets to be sent each time according to the feedback information from onehop neighbor nodes. In addition, any intermediate node that receives complete data can forward data to those nodes that don’t. The process repeats until all destination nodes receive complete data. Simulation results show that MCMR-GreedyCode has lower network latency and greater throughput than some existing network protocols, such as GreedyCode, MCM, MLRM, etc.
An Electronic Warfare Meta-Model for Network Centric Systems
اطلاع رسانیIn this paper we present a domain meta-model that formally defnes the semantic of the entities, and related relationships, involved in an electronic warfare scenario. The presented meta-model can be exploited as common ontology by human and computer based entities involved in a network centric system. The goal is the sharing of a common understanding of the battle-space arena.
CogNet: A Network Management Architecture Featuring Cognitive Capabilities
اطلاع رسانیIt is expected that the fifth generation mobile networks (5G) will support both human-to-human and machine-tomachine communications, connecting up to trillions of devices and reaching formidable levels of complexity and traffic volume. This brings a new set of challenges for managing the network due to the diversity and the sheer size of the network. It will be necessary for the network to largely manage itself and deal with organisation, configuration, security, and optimisation issues. This paper proposes an architecture of an autonomic selfmanaging network based on Network Function Virtualization, which is capable of achieving or balancing objectives such as high QoS, low energy usage and operational efficiency. The main novelty of the architecture is the Cognitive Smart Engine introduced to enable Machine Learning, particularly (near) realtime learning, in order to dynamically adapt resources to the immediate requirements of the virtual network functions, while minimizing performance degradations to fulfill SLA requirements. This architecture is built within the CogNet European Horizon 2020 project, which refers to Cognitive Networks.
Quantum message exchanging network using entanglement swapping and decoy photons
اطلاع رسانیWe propose a scheme for secure quantum message exchanging network following the idea in entanglement swapping. In this scheme, the servers of the network provide the service for preparing the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled states as quantum channels. For preventing the eavesdropping, a security checking method is suggested. After the security check, anyone of the authorized users can exchange his/her messages with another on the network securely and directly.
Modified quadrant-based routing algorithm for 3D Torus Network-on-Chip architecture
اطلاع رسانیDue to high performance demands of the consumer electronics and processing systems, like servers, the number of cores is increasing on System-on-Chip (SoC). Networkon-Chip (NoC) is suitable approach for reducing the communication bottleneck of multicore System-on-Chip. With the integration of 3D IC technology, the 3D Network-on-Chip design enhances the execution rate and decreases power utilisation by replacing long flat interconnects with short vertical ones. New compact architectures are possible by arranging the cores in three-dimensions. Optimised routing algorithms can provide higher execution speed along with reduced energy consumption. In this paper an efficient routing algorithm for 3D Torus topology architecture is proposed. A modified quadrant-based routing algorithm for 3D torus NoC architecture is proposed which is primarily based on division of space into different quadrants and also adopting a path which encounters least hops to connect to the destination node. The proposed algorithm is compared with other 3D routing algorithms like XYZ dimension order routing and the simulated results shows that the proposed algorithm has least latency.
System of Systems Management: A Network Management Approach
اطلاع رسانیThis paper presents a method of applying the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Network Management Model to the Boardman-Sauser Distinguishing Characteristics ofSystem ofSystems (SoS). The ISO model defines five conceptual areas for managingnetworks: Performance, Configuration, Accounting, Fault, and Security. This model is both a standard and primary means for understanding the major functions of network management. The Boardman-Sauser characteristics of . Autonomy, Belonging, Connectivity, Diversity, and Emergence are used to recognize a SoS. These characteristics represent the fundamental "building blocks" ofSoS management. In this paper the five functional areas of network management are analyzed and mapped to each of the five "building blocks" of SoS management to create a SoS Operational Management Matrix (SoSOMM). The matrix will serve as a foundation for extracting network management 'best practices' into the realm of SoS management. The proposed method will increase the overall effectiveness ofSoS management practices.