بایگانی برچسب برای: improving


Nursing: Health Education and Improving Patient Self-Management

This chapter focuses on health. It is about how you can defne health and what views on health are important. Because what is health anyway? There are a number of visions of health. The World Health Organization (WHO) defned health and took this as a starting point for its health policy. Various viewpoints give you the opportunity to formulate your own vision of health. Your own vision of health determines your vision of your professional nursing practice. Your vision of health is the foundation of your nursing care. This chapter also deals with how to measure health. We are going to look at the principles of epidemiology. Health indicators show you how “healthy” the population is. Health indicators give you a clear view of important health problems and of public health. For nursing professionals, an insight into the state of health of people is the starting point for prevention and targeted care. In this chapter we answer the question: what is health? We describe in Sect. 1 the different views on health: the medical, monocausal vision, the biological vision, the psychological and social visions, the humane, multicausal vision, and the dynamic vision. We also address the International Classifcation of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). After this, we all look at important health indicators (among others, mortality, life expectancy, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and disability- adjusted life-years (DALYs), morbidity, multimorbidity, and health differences), to see inside public health.
Improving Power Line Utilization and Performance With D-FACTS Devices[taliem.ir]

Improving Power Line Utilization and Performance With D-FACTS Devices

This paper discusses the use of massivelydispersed mass-manufactured communicationsenabled sensor, power-converter and actuator networks to realize a smart, fault tolerant, controllable and asset efficient power grid. A critical unfulfilled need, power flow control on existing lines, is solved using many modules of a Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) device that can be clamped on to existing power lines, and can be operated so as to control the impedance of the conductor – realizing the first in a family of Distributed Flexible AC Transmission System or D-FACTS devices. This approach promises important system-wide enefits including – increased line and system capacity; increased reliability; improved asset utilization; improved operation under contingencies; reduced environmental impact; incremental deployment; and rapid implementation.
Making urban territories more resilient to flooding by improving the[taliem.ir]

Making urban territories more resilient to flooding by improving the resilience of their waste management network. A methodology for analysing dysfunctions in waste management networks during and after flooding

In view of all the damage caused by flooding that has affected large numbers of regions throughout the world over the last ten years, urban areas appear to be little prepared for facing up to this type of catastrophe. Today, improving their resilience, i.e. their capacity to recover rapidly after flooding, appears to be a real issue at stake in societies’ sustainable development. Due to their organization in the form of subsystems1, the multiple aspects of their functions and the dynamics that drive them, these urban territories must be considered as complex systems2. Within these urban systems, technical networks3 are physical links between inhabitants and the actors involved, the symbolic links of belonging to the same community, to the same organized territory (Lacoste quoted by Dupuy, 1991). As supports and even objects of interactions between the different sub-systems in the urban system and with the outside environment, they supply, unify and irrigate all the constituent elements of urban territories. In this way, networks participate in organizing and regulating the system by being the vector of relations between its different constituent elements. “Physically connecting the elements in the system unifies them and creates the network’s operating conditions at the same time. In the same way, it makes a certain mode of operation and evolutions in the system possible” (Dupuy, (1984)