بایگانی برچسب برای: Image

Violent Web images classification based on MPEG7[taliem.ir]

Download Violent Web images classification based on MPEG7 color descriptors

In this article, we present a contribution to the violent Web images classification. This subject is deeply important as it has a potential use for many applications such as violent Web sites filtering. We propose to combine the techniques of image analysis and data-mining to relate low level characteristics extracted from the image’s colors to a higher characteristic of violence which could be contained in the image. We present a comparative study of different data mining techniques to classify violent Web images. Also, we discuss how the combination learning based methods can improve accuracy rate. Our results show that our approach can detect violent content effectively
Image Postprocessing in Digital RadiologydA Primer for Technologists[taliem.ir]

Image Postprocessing in Digital RadiologydA Primer for Technologists

This article deals with several image postprocessing concepts that are now commonplace in digital imaging in medicine. First, the motivation for the development of digital imaging modalities is described, followed by a rationale for understanding image postprocessing operations that have become common in radiology. Second, the image domain concept is outlined with a focus on the characteristics of a spatial location domain image including the matrix, pixels, and the bit depth. In addition, the transformation of the spatial location domain image into the spatial frequency domain is described. The third topic addresses five classes of image processing algorithms including image restoration, image analysis, image synthesis, image enhancement, and image compression. The article continues with a detailed description of point processing operations as well as local processing operations. The former is discussed in terms of the histogram, look-up table (LUT), and windowing. The latter describes spatial location filtering (convolution) and spatial frequency filtering using high- and low-pass digital filters, followed by a brief description of the unsharp masking technique. The fifth major topic presents essential features of the commercially available image ostprocessing tool Photoshop, with applications in medical imaging and an emphasis on how this tool can be used by teachers and students alike in an educational environment. Finally, a technical overview of image compression is reviewed with a discussion of compression ratio and types of image compression techniques. In particular, irreversible compression is outlined briefly, and its effect on the visual quality of images is demonstrated