بایگانی برچسب برای: Forensic

Pediatric Forensic[taliem.ir]

Pediatric Forensic Evidence

The needs of the child are paramount. The clinician’s frst task is to diagnose the cause of symptoms and signs whether accidental, inflicted or the result of an underlying medical condition. Where abuse is diagnosed the task is to safeguard the child and treat the physical and psychological effects of maltreatment. A child is one who has not yet reached his or her 18th birthday. Child abuse is any action by another person that causes signifcant harm to a child or fails to meet a basic need. It involves acts of both commission and omission with effects on the child’s physical, developmental, and psychosocial well-being. The vast majority of carers from whatever walk of life, love, nurture and protect their children. A very few, in a momentary loss of control in an otherwise caring parent, cause much regretted injury. An even smaller number repeatedly maltreat their children in what becomes a pattern of abuse. One parent may harm, the other may fail to protect by omitting to seek help. Child abuse whether physical or psychological is unlawful.