بایگانی برچسب برای: examination

Transcriptome-Based Examination of Putative[taliem.ir]

Transcriptome-Based Examination of Putative Pollen Allergens of Rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)

Pollen allergens are among the most abundantly transcribed and translated products in the life history of plants, and particularly grasses. To identify different pollen allergens in rice, putative allergens were identified in the rice genome and their expression characterized using the Affymetrix 57K rice GeneChip microarray. Among the most abundant pollen-specific candidate transcripts were Ory s 1 beta-expansin, Ory s 2, Ory s 7 EF hand, Ory s 11, Ory s 12 profilin A, Ory s 23, glycosyl hydrolase family 28 (polygalacturonase), and FAD binding proteins. Highly expressed pollen proteins are frequently present in multiple copy numbers, sometimes with mirror images located on nearby regions of the opposite DNA strand. Many of these are intronless and inserted as copies that retain nearly exact copies of their regulatory elements. Ory s 23 reflects low variability and high copy number, suggesting recent gene amplification. Some copies contain pseudogenes, which may reflect their origin through activity of retrotransposition; some putative allergenic sequences bear fusion products with repeat sequences of transposable elements (LTRs). The abundance of nearby repetitive sequences, activation of transposable elements, and high production of mRNA transcripts appear to coincide in pollen and may contribute to a syndrome in which highly transcribed proteins may be copied and inserted with streamlined features for translation, including grouping and removal of introns.
An examination of the relation between architecture and compiler[taliem.ir]

An examination of the relation between architecture and compiler

The interactions between the design of a computer's instruction set and the design of compilers that generate code for that computer have serious implications for overall computational cost and efficiency. This article, which investigates those interactions, should ideally be based on comprehensive data; unfortunately, there is a paucity of such information. And while there is data on the use of instruction sets, the relation of this data to compiler design is lacking. This is, therefore, a frankly personal statement, but one which is based on extensive experience. My colleagues and I are in the midst ofa research effort aimed at automating the construction of productionquality compilers. (To limit the scope of what is already an ambitious project, we have considered only algebraic languages and conventional computers.) In brief, unlike many compiler- compiler efforts of the past, ours involves automatically generating all of the phases of a compiler-including the optimization and code generation phases found in optimizing compilers. The only input to this generation process is a formal definition of the source language and target computer. The formulation of compilation algorithms that, with suitable parameters, are effective across a broad class of computer architectures has been fundamental to this research. In turn, finding these algorithms has led us to critically examine many architectures and the problems they pose. Much of the opinion that follows is based on our experiences in trying to do this, with notes on the difficulties we encountered.