بایگانی برچسب برای: Bunion


Evidence-Based Bunion Surgery

The common deformity of the frst ray known as a “bunion” is a progressive positional deformity which leads to pain from shoe pressure and biomechanical malfunction of the frst metatarsal phalangeal joint. While the medial bump is idely considered the etiology of pain, malalignment results in progressive joint adaptation and degeneration. The exact biomechanical fault and the etiology of the progression of the deformity remain unclear. The origin of the terminologies describing this frst ray deformity deserves specifc attention due to the common historical misapplications of terms used to describe disorders of the frst metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) .Bunion is derived from the Latin term bunio, meaning turnip. This term has been applied to describe any enlargement of the frst MTPJ and therefore poorly defnes the deformity . It was not until 1870, when Carl Hueter, a German surgeon, coined the term hallux valgus to more accurately describe the condition . Hueter defned this frst ray deformity as a subluxation of the frst MTPJ in the transverse plane with lateral deviation of the great toe and medial deviation of the frst metatarsal. However, the term hallux valgus raised questions on whether the laterally deviated hallux should be the primary focus of the deformity. Therefore, half a century later, Truslow proposed the term metatarsus primus varus to replace hallux valgus in the belief that the medially deviated frst metatarsal is the primary level of deformity. This is in fact the frst time the primary level of deformity is considered to be located at the frst metatarsal cuneiform joint.