بایگانی برچسب برای: Breast Tumors


Diagnosis and Management of Breast Tumors

Although the feld of radiology as a whole is subject to many levels of regulation and accreditation, breast imaging, and specifcally mammography, is a subspecialty subject to rigorous standards of care that are legally mandated in the United States. Two major entities collaboratively regulate breast imaging in the interests of quality and safety. Responding to issues and inconsistencies in matters pertaining to patient care and image quality, the American College of Radiology (ACR) developed the Mammography Accreditation Program in the late 1980’s as a means of periodic peer review and feedback from experts for improvement . Secondly, the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) was enacted by Congress in the 1990’s to set national quality standards through specifc regulatory requirements that were established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for mammography . Under MQSA, all facilities that provide mammography services in the United States must be inspected by the FDA every year, earn accreditation by an FDA approved body (which includes the ACR, and the states of Arkansas, Iowa, and Texas) every 3 years, and be certifed by Health and Human Services every 3 years. Mammography facilities under the Department of Veterans Affairs, while not included in MQSA, undergo accreditation by the ACR to maintain the same standards of care.