بایگانی برچسب برای: Advanced


Strategic Planning for Advanced Nursing Practice

Consideration of advanced nursing practice (ANP) and the integration of advanced practice nursing (APN) roles as part of the healthcare workforce require policy development supportive of this emerging concept. Developing strategies and policy that promote the optimal scope of practice for APNs is a dynamic and complex process that operates within a political, cultural, and historical context. The process is sensitive to the country in which nursing, professional development, and policymaking take place. In turn, the country milieu is comprised of representatives of government, healthcare institutions, employers, medicine, and consumer cultures where a variety of opinions arise and diverse policy decisions occur. In this chapter, based on evidence and noted positive outcomes for ANP in the literature, strategic planning is introduced as an approach that could facilitate not only the introduction of APNs but also contribute to the sustainability of an ANP initiative. The complexities to consider with a strategic approach are discussed. In addition, the chapter proposes that a variety of viewpoints affect the identifcation of strategies that influence the integration of APN in the healthcare workforce. Defnitions and descriptions of strategy, strategic planning, policy, policy theory, policy process, and the signifcance of a strategic approach are introduced. Critical points to consider for strategic planning and a Conceptual Policy Framework for Advanced Nursing Practice can be found in Chap. 2. Further in-depth discussion of the policy process, evidence-based policy decisions, and theories applicable to social policy are discussed in Chap. 3.

Advanced Handbook of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the “disease with a thousand faces” , is an autoimmune disease characterized by the production of autoantibodies to nuclear antigens in association with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. SLE has an estimated prevalence of about 10–150 per 100,000 persons and a female:male ratio of around 9:1 (see section 1.6) . The peak incidence is between the ages of 15 and 40, and SLE is therefore considered to be one of the most common autoimmune diseases of women of childbearing age. However, SLE can affect all age groups, from infants to geriatric patients (see Chapter 7). The exact etiology and pathogenesis of SLE remain unknown, but involves complex multifactorial interactions between genetic, epigenetic, hormonal and environmental factors (Figure 1.1) that eventually result in a loss of self-tolerance. The disease can affect almost any tissue or organ system (see Chapter 3), and has a variable course and severity that can range from mild to potentially fatal. A broad spectrum of autoantibodies can be found in SLE patients, and are often associated with specific clinical features. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are found in 98% of patients, but are non-specific. Conversely, antibodies to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), anti-Sm, or anti-nucleosome are highly specific (see section 4.2). Three main patterns of disease activity have been identified, including a remitting-relapsing disease course characterized by flares and periods of remission, chronically active disease, and long quiescence . Organ damage, which can occur in relation with disease activity or even in patients without obvious symptoms, is the main predictor of morbidity and mortality. There has been a significant reduction in mortality of SLE patients over the last decades, with many studies reporting 5-year survival rates exceeding 95%. While infections and cardiovascular morbidity are the main causes of death, SLE itself can still cause death today (see Chapter 7).
Advanced Colonoscopy and Endoluminal Surgery[taliem.ir]

Advanced Colonoscopy and Endoluminal Surgery

Philipp Bozzini is considered by many the father of endoscopy. Born in Mainz, Germany, in 1773, Bozzini’s goal was to examine the inner cavities of the human body in designing the Lichtleiter, or “light conductor.” He recognized the importance of direct observation in the ability to understand the physiology and function of human organs . With his design, he also foresaw the ability to perform new procedures and to make existing procedures safer by allowing, for instance, the removal of rectal polyps or cervical tumors to be done under direct visualization rather than to depend on luck. The original Lichtleiter consisted of a vase-shaped lantern made of tin and covered with leather . Within this housed the light source, a wax candle, on a spring device designed to keep the flame at a constant height. A concave mirror was placed to project light through an aperture, onto which various tubular specula could be attached. The mirror directed light toward the hollow organ and avoided reflection toward the observer’s eye . On the opposite side was another fenestration onto which an eyepiece was attached for the observer . The tubular specula were made of brass or silver and modifed based of the organ they were meant for: urethra, vagina, rectum, and so on . His conductors were straight to avoid deviating from the straight lines on which light rays travel. In order to observe objects at an angle, for instance behind the nasopharynx, he used a mirror to bend the light. He did note, however, that bending the light compromised the clarity of the image