بایگانی برچسب برای: SOS
System of Systems Management: A Network Management Approach
اطلاع رسانیThis paper presents a method of applying the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Network Management Model to the Boardman-Sauser Distinguishing Characteristics ofSystem ofSystems (SoS). The ISO model defines five conceptual areas for managingnetworks: Performance, Configuration, Accounting, Fault, and Security. This model is both a standard and primary means for understanding the major functions of network management. The Boardman-Sauser characteristics of . Autonomy, Belonging, Connectivity, Diversity, and Emergence are used to recognize a SoS. These characteristics represent the fundamental "building blocks" ofSoS management. In this paper the five functional areas of network management are analyzed and mapped to each of the five "building blocks" of SoS management to create a SoS Operational Management Matrix (SoSOMM). The matrix will serve as a foundation for extracting network management 'best practices' into the realm of SoS management. The proposed method will increase the overall effectiveness ofSoS management practices.