بایگانی برچسب برای: Cancer

Male Breast Cancer[taliem.ir]

Male Breast Cancer

There is substantial evidence of deleterious health behaviour in males both in terms of high-risk activities and avoidance of contact with doctors. This manifests as delay in diagnosis and upstaging of disease with a consequent worsening of prognosis. The incidence of male breast cancer is rising worldwide and this is not just as a result of increasing lifespan in that age standardised rates are also increasing. Neonatal breast tissue demonstrates plasticity irrespective of gender. Normal male breast anatomy is similar to that of prepubertal females but is often overshadowed by the presence of gynaecomastia, particularly in the overweight. The lack of model systems including established human MBC cell lines has hindered research but with collaborative studies there is promise of better understanding and treatment for MBC in the future.
The D-Type Cyclins A Historical Perspective[taliem.ir]

The D-Type Cyclins: A Historical Perspective

D-type cyclins integrate mitogen-dependent signals to enforce progression through the frst gap phase (G1) of the cell division cycle. In simplest terms, three mammalian D-type cyclins (D1, D2, and D3), induced in a cell lineage-specifc fashion in response to extracellular signals, interact with two cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK4 and CDK6) to form holoenzyme complexes that phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein (RB). In turn, RB phosphorylation, reinforced by other CDKs expressed later in G1 phase, inactivates the suppressive effects of RB on transcription factors that induce genes required for DNA replication. All steps in the life history of individual D-type cyclins, including their transcriptional induction, translation, assembly with CDK4 and CDK6, and their rapid turnover via ubiquitinmediated proteolysis, are governed by mitogen signaling. Hence, progression through the G1 phase of the mammalian cell cycle is tied to extracellular signals that ultimately influence cell division. Analysis of phenotypes of mice lacking D cyclins has highlighted their individual and combinatorial lineage-specifc activities during mammalian development. The genes encoding D-type cyclins and their dependent kinases, CDK4 and CDK6, are proto-oncogenes implicated in many forms of cancer. Genetic or biochemical disruption of cyclin D-dependent CDK signaling can restrain cancer development and progression. Here, we highlight the founding discoveries.
Cancer and[taliem.ir]

Cancer and Chemoprevention: An Overview

Cancer is a cluster of diseases which involves variation in the status and activation of multiple genes that impart an advantage to survive and unexhausting proliferative potential to somatic or germinal cells (Cho 2007). The three main classes of genes altered primarily are proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and DNA repair genes. Together they contribute to the growth of cancer phenotype and genotype to defend against the natural and inherent death mechanisms ingrained in cells as apoptosis and like processes, associated with deregulation of cell proliferation events. Apart from this, there is also an escalating evidence to recommend that cancer is also driven by epigenetic changes like DNA methylation and transformed patterns of histone modifcations resulting in variation in chromatin condensation status, hence regulating activation of certain set of specifc genes (Ediriwickrema and Saltzman 2015; Bayli and Ohm 2006). Most cancers are named according to their origin of sites in which they begin like cancer that originates in the renal proximal cells is called renal cell carcinoma and renal pelvis carcinoma is the cancer that originates in the center of the kidney where urine collects. Wilms tumor usually develops in children under the age of 5 (Bhatt et al. 2010).