بایگانی برچسب برای: بزرگ داده

A Secure Cloud Computing Based Framework[taliem.ir]

A Secure Cloud Computing Based Framework for Big Data Information Management of Smart Grid

Smart grid is a technological innovation that improves efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of electricity services. It plays a crucial role in modern energy infrastructure. The main challenges of smart grids, however, are how to manage different types of front-end intelligent devices such as power assets and smart meters efficiently; and how to process a huge amount of data received from these devices. Cloud computing, a technology that provides computational resources on demands, is a good candidate to address these challenges since it has several good properties such as energy saving, cost saving, agility, scalability, and flexibility. In this paper, we propose a secure cloud computing based framework for big data information management in smart grids, which we call “Smart-Frame.” The main idea of our framework is to build a hierarchical structure of cloud computing centers to provide different types of computing services for information management and big data analysis. In addition to this structural framework, we present a security solution based on identity-based encryption, signature and proxy re-encryption to address critical security issues of the proposed framework.
NoSQL Systems for Big Data Management[taliem.ir]

NoSQL Systems for Big Data Management

The advent of Big Data created a need for out-of-the-box horizontal scalability for data management systems. This ushered in an array of choices for Big Data management under the umbrella term NoSQL. In this paper, we provide a taxonomy and unified perspective on NoSQL systems. Using this perspective, we compare and contrast various NoSQL systems using multiple facets including system architecture, data model, query language, client API, scalability, and availability. We group current NoSQL systems into seven broad categories: Key-Value,Table-type/Column, Document, Graph, Native XML, Native Object, and Hybrid databases. We also describe application scenarios for each category to help the reader in choosing an appropriate NoSQL system for a given application. We conclude the paper by indicating future research directions.
Computational Models for Social Network Analysis[taliem.ir]

Computational Models for Social Network Analysis: A Brief Survey

With the exponential growth of online social network services such as Facebook and Twitter, social networks and social medias become more and more important, directly influencing politics, economics, and our daily life. Mining big social networks aims to collect and analyze web-scale social data to reveal patterns of individual and group behaviors. It is an inherently interdisciplinary academic field which emerged from sociology, psychology, statistics, and graph theory. In this article, I briefly survey recent progress on social network mining with an emphasis on understanding the interactions among users in the large dynamic social networks. I will start with some basic knowledge for social network analysis, including methodologies and tools for macro-level, meso-level and microlevel social network analysis. Then I will give an overall roadmap of social network mining. After that, I will describe methodologies for modeling user behavior including state-of-the-art methods forlearning user profiles, and introduce recent progress on modeling dynamics of user behaviors using deep learning. Then I will present models and algorithms for quantitative analysis on social interactions including homophily and social influence.Finally, I will introduce network structure model including social group formation, and network topology generation. We will introduce recent developed network embedding algorithms for modeling social networks with the embedding techniques. Finally, I will use several concrete examples from Alibaba, the largest online shopping website in the world, and WeChat, the largest social messaging service in China, to explain how online social networks influence our offline world.