This research aims to provide a better understanding of the structural behavior of masonry arch bridges using advanced modeling strategies. Two main contributions are achieved in this article; first, triggering mechanisms for the out of plane failure of spandrel walls are established; second, the influence of soil backfill on the behavior and strength of the bridges is presented through a comprehensive parametric study. Here, masonry arch bridges are modeled using a discontinuum approach, composed of discrete blocks, including also a continuum mesh to replicate infill material, adopting a framework of discrete element modeling. The equations of motion for each block are solved by an explicit finite-difference method, using the commercial software 3DEC. The results of the preliminary analyses are ompared with analytical solutions and limit state analysis for validation purposes. Different arch bridge models, representing common geometrical properties in the northwest Iberian Peninsula are analyzed. Transverse effects, damage patterns and collapse mechanisms are discussed under different types of loading. The analysis demonstrated the severe capacity reduction due to spandrel wall failures and the importance of soil backfill in results, only possible by taking advantage of the performed numerical modeling strategy.
Masonry arch bridges constitute an important asset of the transportation infrastructure not only in Europe but also in northeastern United States . Although, newer construction materials, such as steel or reinforced concrete, became more popular in the construction sector after the mid-20th century, stone and brick masonry bridges still continue to make a remarkable contribution to world’s infrastructure. For instance, masonry arch bridges constitute around 40% of the bridge stock in Europe . In United States, there are 1700 masonry bridges, according to the 2013 National Bridge Inventory (NBI) . Given that the majority of these bridges are older than 100 years , they may suffer from material deterioration, lack of maintenance, increased axle loads and high volume of traffic through the decades. Notwithstanding, a remarkable portion of masonry bridges still constitute the heritage of transportation system in many countries. Therefore, preserving their structural integrity has a critical importance
due to their historical significance.
Year: ۲۰۱9
Publisher : ELSEVIER
By : Bora Pulatsu, Ece Erdogmus, Paulo B. Lourenço
File Information: English Language/ 13 Page / size: 3.17 MB
سال : 1397
کاری از : بورا پلوتسو، اسه ارادوگموس، پائولو بوران لورونسو
اطلاعات فایل : زبان انگلیسی / 13 صفحه / حجم : MB 3.17
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